Monday, March 15, 2010


Should MTV play the video??? Let me know what you think... leave your comments below...


Anonymous said...

This video is a little much... Especially in the beginning when they strip her down. I think that's just show she isn't a man! But this video has nothing to do with song.... what exactly is it about???

Unknown said...

So A- if you tell kids they cant watch somthing they are just going to be more curious why you dont want them to. B- I dont think its anything really more than is already playin on MTV. Im 25 and I hadnt watched a video in about 6 years and then a few months ago I watched an afternoon of them and honestly was pretty shocked. Other than the video MAKIN NO SENSE... the only part I completly disagree with is 2 prominent figues acting like its cool to kill people? WTF?

LWOU29 said...

Ok so I have heard alot about Beyonce and the devil lately and now I believe it... She knows she has a huge group of young girls following her and what does this video teach them??? She lost a fan!

Anonymous said...

I think they have ran out of ideas and picked eachother to keep the careers hot but they both are going to the extreme and beyonce is turning into someone she is not to get votes when it is turning into the opposite